Saturday 30 July 2022

It All Comes Down to that One Cow

I look back on the whirlwind of the last several years and I think of all the little choices made that if they hadn’t been made….where would I be now?!

For example, I met Aiden through online dating. His profile was honestly boring and I almost swiped left; There was just one picture of him with a cow and I wanted to meet the cow, so that’s the only reason I swiped right! I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for that cow.

He made the choice not to put that he had a child on his profile and if he had, I would have swiped left. I would have missed out on being part of a beautiful boys’ life! I’m grateful I got the chance to meet Aiden the first couple dates without having that knowledge as an initial judgement of him. 

Even decisions like going tree planting instead of working in Ontario brought me here, and if I hadn’t made that choice I wouldn’t have moved out here and would have missed out on this incredible life. 

Choices are scary, all choices have consequences, but if you don’t make choices, if you only stay in your comfort zone, you don’t get the opportunity to live! To really live is an incredible experience! I decided early on in life that I didn’t want to just read adventure in books, I wanted to live them. 

I have!

This chapter of life as a mother sometimes feels dry but I’m aware it is a chapter. It’s a chapter where I get to be a teacher and inspire younger versions of myself to seek their own adventures. In the process, I grow wiser, and when they leave, I won’t even be that old and can continue seeking adventures if I choose to.

I sit here on the porch with a sleeping baby on my chest, dogs by my side, watching my step son play in the kiddy pool; I laugh! Being here right now all comes down to the man I love taking a picture with a cow!