Thursday 31 December 2020

2020 at a Glance

Well, this was a crazy year for the entire world! There was no way I could have anticipated all the crazy things that would occur this year or all the experiences I would have. To say this year wasn't tough on me would be a lie! I struggled mentally, more than I ever have before. Those activities that used to boost my mental health were banned. I felt isolated from others in my life, and particularly from my family as they live on the other side of the country. I've had to learn how to be satisfied not traveling or visiting cities and towns outside of my own. 

On the flip side, it could be argued that I had the best year of my life as well! It was tough, a struggle, but full of rewards!

So what happened for me in 2020?!

I turned 22! I traveled home to Ontario to celebrate with family. Little did I know that would be my last visit for awhile. 

I went to the Passion to Purpose conference in Toronto in early March. There I met up with friends from a previous conference, learned networking, project pitching, and grant writing skills. 

Then bang! Covid happened. Due to job and rent complications, I found myself living in a tent

Then my friend's trailer

Despite Covid, tree planting still happened! It was a highly successful season for me. I felt as if I aged five years inwardly and developed a bit of a crust. I came out of the season older, feeling way older than twenty-two. I was burnt out and tired, but made bank and some pretty incredible friends along the way. 

Paid off my student debt and bought a new truck and camper right after the season. 

After much thought, I chose to move back to Vancouver Island and pick up my job again at the Comox Therapeutic Riding Centre. 

I've done way more hiking and outdoor activities since returning to the Island!

Then in early November, I met my boyfriend Aiden! It's been great to have someone who is so like-minded and devoted by my side. I've never felt more connected to someone in my life! 

Then Christmas happened! I spent it with Aiden's family and it could possibly go down as one of the best Christmas days in my life! 

2020 Goal Reflections: 

Develop more spiritually: I consider this the best year of my life in this area because for the first time I don't feel like I'm holding onto my faith by a thread. I've felt God's presence so strongly this year. In March, I was granted a miracle. A girl prayed over my arthritic knee and it was healed. I've had no pain since. This year, really making the decision in my heart to put God above all else has made a huge difference in my life and given me incredible peace. 

Tree Plant and get my Summit Sweater: Yep did both! Had a $ 500-day tree planting and got my summit sweater!

Work on My Dreams Uganda Project: My tree planting crew raised $3200 to buy a printer, laptop, paper, and ink to provide the students at Nabugalo Primary School with educational material to last them two terms since they couldn't attend school due to Covid. The Passion to Purpose Conference provided me with the skills to raise money for the students. 

Complete Two more Drafts of my Memoir: I did two more drafts and have one more draft to go before I hire an editor, then send it out to publishers or self publish

Get Dental Work Done: Had a dental assessment and got all four of my wisdom teeth removed! 

Compete in jiu-jitsu: Had two lined up and Covid canceled them both

Get my N license: I failed my test then Covid happened and canceled the other one

Renew my Passport: Started did not complete the process due to Covid and life being a bit of a gong show 

My Hopes for 2020 that came True:

- Truck and Camper
- Write another Novel
- Travel (Fort st John, Powell River, 100 Mile House, Cape Scot, Tofino) 

My favorite song in 2020 was Levitating(Dua Lipa, Dababy). My favorite film moment was the end of the last episode of the Mandalorian. 

My favorite moment of 2020 is a secret that I can't disclose yet. Otherwise, it was probably when I paid off my student debt; That was a good feeling! 

That was 2020! Now my goals for 2021:

- Develop more spiritually
- Try Snowboarding
- Tree plant
- N License 
- Gun license
- Buy property 
- Publish memoir
- Build a bus home with Aiden
- Learn how to operate a chainsaw

Hopes for 2021:

- A road trip to the Yukon
- Finish a novel I'm working on
- Get a dog
- That jiu-jitsu gets back up and running
- That the churches are able to open again
- That I will get to see friends and family in Ontario at some point 

A big thank you to everyone for all your support this year! To all the people who have provided me with a roof this year, helped out financially, gave me rides to and from places, helped me learn to drive, and figure out how EI works thank you so much! For all the people who have supported me with their kind words and actions, you motivate me! I could not do the things I do alone and I am so grateful to God for all of you in my life! May 2021 be a little easier on us all! 

Some quotes to lead us out of this year into the next.....

" A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." - GK Chesterton 

" All get what they want; They do not always like it." - C.S Lewis

" All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us" - Gandalf

Here is the link to my one-second video for this year

Monday 14 December 2020

Welcome to the Wet Coast


This past weekend I had the opportunity to take several days off work and go on a date out of town with my boyfriend. If you asked people if it was a smart idea to go camping North Island mid December they would probably say no, so Aiden and I said yes; Let's do it!

It was totally worth it! 

First, we went to Palmerston Beach near Cape Scott Provincial Park. We found a little shack by the beach which we had hoped to occupy. 

Sadly, someone else had the idea too so instead we stuck to camping by Aiden's jeep for the first night. In the morning, the tide was high and the waves were huge and crashing against the beach rocks which was a marvelous sight! 

On our second day, we did the hike into Cape Scott. 

Saw the biggest tree of my life!

And some other cool tree formations as well!

We set up camp just off the beach. It then proceeded to rain and to rain a lot! It's the west coast but really it should be called the Wet Coast. 

After several hours of fighting to start a hot fire with wet fuel, we managed to cook some chicken and roast some apples. We then decided that it was more worthwhile to eat snacks as our dinner instead of attempting to make another fire later. We hunkered down in our tent for the rest of the day; Stayed warm and dry listening to the steady flow of rain coming down. 

The following morning was beautiful! The tide was coming in, the sun was visible, and the rain had stopped. The hike out of the park warmed and dried us off and was beautiful with the water droplets hanging off the branches and trees. 

Just outside of the park was a fossil bed where we found several fossils, which were really cool! 

I think the coolest thing about living on the Island is that you can pretty much camp any time of the year and not have to worry too much about freezing to death! Wet cold is not fun but as they say, there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. We were dressed for our little expedition and it paid off big time in being able to see beautiful sights and have quality time together. Cape Scott is remote and isolated but that's really part of the fun of going there! If you want an adventure I would highly recommend paying this provincial park a visit! 

(Photo creds: Aiden. B)