Thursday 29 July 2021

Why?!! Business Advice From a 2 Year Old!

 Aiden's son's favorite word, phrase, and saying the last couple of weeks.....


"Come eat dinner!"

"Why Cinta?!"


And this question is causing all of us in his life to think more with intention. Why do we do what we do?! In our adult stage, we start living on autopilot, muscle memory, and we rarely think about what we do anymore or why we do it. 

This past month I have been taking an online entrepreneur course, EYE Empowering Youth Entrepreneur Program. It's a paid training course for youth on Vancouver Island and the Coast in B.C to give us the tools to be self-employed and start our own business with confidence. 

One thing we have talked a lot about in the course in regards to our business is Our Why. Why does your business exist? Why are you passionate about this? Why should people care about what you are trying to sell?

And I just found it really ironic that around the time this question was posed to me about my projects, the two-year-old was beginning to ask us the same question. On the one hand when you hear Why at least 560 times a day, it can be a little annoying, and sometimes the only answer I can come up with especially when rushed is, "Because I said so!" However, I've been training myself to be patient with the question because I've realized the value in it. It helps us live more with intention, and when we live with intention we get more out of life and can make more meaningful and purposeful decisions. 

" Why do we wear clothes Cinta?" 

This question forces me to think about what I wear and why I chose to wear what I do. It makes me meditate on how I view my body and how I should view others. 

"Why are you cleaning Cinta?"

Why do I clean? It made me realize that it's because I am more relaxed in a tidy space and when I'm more relaxed I'm happier and I can be more present to my family. Giving cleaning more purpose than just being a chore has made it a more pleasant and purposeful task and when I see the benefit in it, I dread the task less.

For the project I'm focusing on for the business program, which is my rabbitry, focusing on my Why has given me a lot of direction for my project, helped me with all aspects from marketing, elevator speeches, project planning, and has given me more confidence in what I'm doing. 

Why Rabbits?! I get a lot of joy out of seeing the interaction between people and bunnies. The joy on people's faces, the individual personalities in each and every bunny, and the therapeutic effect rabbits have on people. This why is why I have decided meat rabbits are not my thing; I really like bunnies too much! lol. My pet bunnies and angora bunnies are now my primary business drive and I've discovered this by investigating the answer to my Why!

Why do you do what you do? Do you live with intention? Perhaps it's time we start thinking like a two-year-old again and ask why a little more often!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Stay tuned next month for a lot of exciting news!!!