Thursday, 30 March 2023

Astrid's Birth Story

Introducing our newest addition to the family Astrid Revna❤️

Her due date was March 23rd and I started having very minor and inconsistent contractions after lunch. I didn't think I was going into labour because for the last week I had been having on and off contractions. However, after 5pm the intensity was beginning to change and they were growing more consistent.

Still, I felt like it was probably a tease so we invited my sister and her boyfriend over to celebrate my sister's birthday which was going to be the next day. During the party my contractions began to pick up but they were still only ten minutes apart. We decided to put the kids to bed at 10pm and my sister decided they would stay over night incase anything changed. By 12pm intensity picked up and contractions were every 5min. Since we live a little distance from the hospital I felt it was a good call to get going.

We get there and they check my dilation; Only 3cm. However, they weren't busy in the maternity ward and offered me a room incase things picked up. My step son went to Aiden's parents. Sequoia stayed with us and my sister and her boyfriend crashed in the room too. I took the maternity ward's offer to get a morphine shot so I could sleep through the contractions. From 2-4am I slept waking up only during the peak of contractions and then falling into a drugged sleep. By 4am I felt the baby's feet lower and the pain was not something I could sleep through. My sister Hannah drew me a bath and once in the water, holy! Things got so intense. I got out after about 5min and switched into the hospital gown. I rang in the nurse. 

"You haven't been here very long," she said, "let's wait a little bit and then we can check."

In my head I was like, "if you offered me an epidural right now I would take it!" I just nodded and started experiencing another contraction. I could not be quiet through it and she started helping me by rubbing my back. Shortly after there was another, she got me a ball. Then she coached me from behind as she started putting together a delivery table. The head nurse was in soon and asked if I was okay with her checking. She reached in and looked back at me shocked. "She is 10cm and almost crowning." Suddenly the room was alive with more people, nurses getting gloves on, a call to the doctor who I was told might not make it in time. I got properly admitted, blood taken, IV put in incase I bled out like I did with Sequoia. So much was going on! Somehow, Sequoia slept through it all.

It was March 24th 5:30am when Astrid entered the world. They placed her on me and what a relief it was too finally hold this beautiful baby we had all been anticipating. Sequoia woke up at just that moment to welcome her little sister into the world. Astrid was so quiet when she came out, barely a peep, but she was healthy and so strong! She was lifting her head while on my chest and taking in everything in the room with her big eyes. It was honestly a magical moment having my family around me and to birth a baby on my sister's 20th birthday with her there. 

My recovery has been so quick and smooth and the adjustment for the family seems to be going well. Sequoia is starting to show affection for Astrid and also becoming more social with other people. Her step brother shows Astrid off and showers her with affection. Aiden and I seem to grow closer and more bonded after each birth experience. Two under two is definitely busy, and the amount of diapers you go through is legendary! There is something so good about a newborn though; They are a blessing. It reminds me that we all were born good and we never lose that goodness we start out with even with all the baggage we might collect along the way.

Astrid has brought new light into our home. I'm so grateful God has chosen me as her mother and I'm excited to watch her grow and learn beside her. 

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