Sunday, 30 April 2023

Our Big Move

In November, we moved off the farm in Campbell River. Aiden's Grandpa had sold it and bought a new farm in Courtenay on 124acres.

I've moved lots in my life but this move by far was the most challenging for me. There was so many moving pieces. We had to build a new home in six weeks, set up a new homestead, and figure out how to move and house our livestock with no infrastructure on the new farm. As exciting as a potential of the new farm was, the logistics and time frame were challenging. 

It was a messy move. There were lots of loses; I cried a lot while trying to hold it together for the kids. We had issues with heating, with water, solar, all in the middle of winter. We had some animals die due to the weather, predators, and a lack of proper infrastructure. It was really tough and being in my third trimester with a 12month old made it that much harder.

My favourite TV show ever is 1883, an origin story for the hit TV show Yellowstone. It follows the early Duttons as they cross America as pioneers on the Oregon trail. I remember the first time I watched it and thought, "why are people risking their lives just to save their belongings? Family and your own life are more important." That inner dialogue  I played over in my head during our move and every time we experienced a loss I reminded myself that in the moment we were surviving and all that mattered was our family. 

Now we are starting to feel more settled and that their is potential to thrive! There is so much potential here and the property is gorgeous. The mountains we live under are breathtaking. I love being able to walk out of our converted bus and be surrounded by so much nature and to have so much space to explore with our kids. 

I had this very strong feeling when I first looked out at the mountains in Courtenay when I moved here four years ago that Courtenay would be my home. Here we are and despite the crazy of the last few months, I feel so at peace and happy here. 

People ask a lot what are plans are. Setting up a homestead is a lot of work and although we are far more set up then we were initially we still have lots to do. We hope to be far better set up by next winter and then maybe  we can dream up what we want our future here to look like. 

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