Thursday, 23 February 2023

Empowering Pregnancy

36 weeks pregnant and it's starting to hit me that this pregnancy is almost over!

I struggled mentally and physically with my first pregnancy. The hormonal ups and downs, the physical changes, and anxiety about becoming a Mom and feeling too young and unprepared. 

It's common to feel like you lose yourself in pregnancy and motherhood. However, I don't believe that is the case. You are transforming and if you surrender to the experience you can come out of it stronger, more confident, and an unstoppable version of yourself. 

This pregnancy has been empowering! It has given me a new appreciation for my body. I've realized just how incredible us women are! We were made strong and powerful. We carry the weight of ourselves, our emotions, our strong feelings; We can carry the weight of a growing life within our wombs; We carry the weight of our family, of dreams, both our own dreams and those of our children. Since becoming a mother I have realized how truly creative I am, how fierce I can be, how strongly I love, and how I can overcome anything that I put my mind to. 

I'm enjoying feeling my little girl kick, I know I will miss it. I'm allowing myself to slow down and enjoy this special bond I have with her these last few weeks before we finally get to meet our second little princess❤️

If you are pregnant and struggling know this! You are a bad ass incubator! Your body is doing an incredible thing; Thank her for it. Look upon yourself with love and respect. Remember that tough moments are just that; Moments. There is always a sunny and perfect day somewhere in your future! 

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