Once upon a time, I was born! Twenty-two years to be exact!
Age 1
Age 2
(Can't find pictures for age 3-4, sorry!) |
Age 5
Age 6 |
Age 7 |
Age 8 |
Age 9 |
Age 10 |
Age 11 |
Age 12 |
Age 13 |
Age 14 |
Age 15 |
Age 16 |
Age 17 |
Age 18
Age 19
Age 20 |
Age 21 |
Age 22 |
What a wonderful birthday it has been! From coming home for a visit, walking my dearest dog Boo, and catching up with my dear friend Sierra. Hopefully next time I come home for a visit it won't be so snowy. It always seems to snow hard on my birthday! Looking forward to my twenty-second year of life! Thanks to all who support me and come along for the journey! A big thank you to my Mom and Dad this weekend for driving me to and from the airport. So blessed to have you as parents!
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