Happy international Women's Day!
Its hard to believe that a year ago today I was in Kampala asking a grade seven class what women in their lives inspired them! It also marks the one year anniversary of experiencing the symptoms of typhoid!(but we can ignore that experience for today).
Today I want to give a shout out to some of the women who inspire me, and have shaped me into the woman I am today!
Kathy Rideout
She was my best friend's mother, always a joy to be around. She had a personality like no other, an infectious smile, and brilliant humour. When my mother came down with Lyme disease, she became like a mother for me. She would come check on my siblings and I, she would home school me during this time, do baking, and sewing with me. She was a very generous, and spiritual woman and it touched me greatly as a child.
Unfortunately, shortly after my mother recovered, Mrs. Rideout got her second case of cancer. Few months later I was laying flowers at her grave. Her life example and influence is why I am a Christian and will continue to be in the future! I may have only been twelve when she left my life, but she had a big impact on me.
Bridget Secker
If you think I have drive to do things, you should look at my mother! She was in the military, joined a convent, was a nanny, had eight kids, and is now studying to be a linguist in university. She has taught me to go for what I desire no matter the odds! Her strength and passion are a huge inspiration for me!
Cyndi Bell Abroms
My boss Cyndi has a fire within her that I don't often see in too many people. She had a dream to have her own horse farm, and she achieved it on her own. She has taught me that with hard work you can achieve anything! She has overcome so much adversity and is still one of the strongest and generous people I know!
Theresa Hills
My previous horse back riding coach doesn't get very many days off, but she loves what she does! I have learned so much about riding, and leadership from this woman. Her mental and physical strength show that you can be unstoppable as a women, and her passion for what she does is truly inspirational.
Sue Meech
The director and founder of Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre is a woman like no other! She has done so much with her life its mind blowing! Her passion and dedication to the welfare of animals has fuelled my passion for animal care, and wildlife. She is a "get'er" done sort of person but is always down for a slice of cake and to crack some jokes. She has taught me that hard work is important, but that its still okay to have some fun here and there too!
I met this young women in Uganda and was immediately drawn to her! She always had her hand up, was an active participant in all school activities, and a willing leader. She wasn't afraid to try anything, even if she wasn't sure of her success in the activity or not. After school hours she would come and see me to learn more. Despite her circumstances, she never lost hope in her dreams, and was confident in herself. She has inspired me to follow my dreams, pursue knowledge, and not be afraid to take some risks.

This is only a small list of the women who have inspired me, but there are many more! Special shout out to Karelia, Sierra, and Alex O'Brien who have been my most loyal friends for almost a decade; To my sisters who have always been there for me: To all the women I have come to know in the jiu jitsu community who continue to inspire me to push the limits; To all my co-workers and classmates who are there for me everyday, and to all the women who have been for me, supported me, and inspired me over the years! I do not know where I would be without you all! Wishing you all a fantastic day, and a big shout out to all the women in my life! Adversity makes us stronger, so embrace it! When you put your mind to it, you can be unstoppable!
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