Friday, 24 April 2020

Ready for Action!

It's interesting how one day your life can be at a total standstill, and the next it springs into action!

I have a tree planting season!!!

When I first heard this news I was excited, then nervous, then more excited than before!

This season will be different from last year due to COVID19. We are required to stay in little groups of six people for the first two weeks in case someone brings COVID19 to camp. We are all filling out health logs before camp and sanitary measures will be increased. We also won't be allowed to go to town at all this season.

I'm happy to go none the less. I like to have work, and to work hard so I'll be happy to get back at that! As much as I've appreciated living on my own the last little while, I will be happy to be with my tree planting family again. Most of the people on my crew last year are returning which I'm super stoked about!

I will miss Vancouver Island but I definitely plan to come back after the planting season. I really loved my job at the CVRT the therapeutic riding center, and I want to continue with it once I return. How long do I plan to live on Vancouver Island? I'm not sure, but for now, it feels like the right place for me to be.

On May 4th I'll be heading out in a rental vehicle with a crewmate. The final destination and first contract will be somewhere outside 100-Mile House in interior B.C. More updates to come! Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Friday, 17 April 2020

A Day in the Life!

Instead of a blog post today I made a youtube video for you all!

Taking you along on a typical day in my life during the COVID19 Crisis. Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Friday, 10 April 2020


Surrounded by the calls of Eagles and Loons in the air, I am amazed how life brought me to a place I didn't expect nor plan to be in!

Uncertainty, I was asked the other day how I am coping with it. Life is uncertain right now for everyone! Many of us are unsure of when we will go back to work, to school, and for some of us when we will see our families again. 

The fact is though, whether you are in a global crisis or not, life is always uncertain. There is no guarantee when you step out the door in the morning that you will come back later in the day. Every goodbye I say I treat like the last, for there is no saying if I will see that person again or not. 

The future is uncertain. In my case, will I have a tree planting season? Where will I be living in the next couple of months? When will the church be open again? How long must I wait to see my family again?!

All I can do is live in this moment now, and appreciate what it is. I am taking advantage of this downtime to rejuvenate, to heal, to create, and to be grateful. The time I've been given now might be important to be ready and prepared for what is to come. 

Happy Easter everyone! Stay safe and healthy!   

Friday, 3 April 2020

Quarantine Routine

It's hard to believe but during a Global Pandemic, I'm feeling the best I have ever felt in years!
My work life and rest life is now pretty balanced out! 

Thankfully, I now have three days of work at the Greenhouse. Since a lot of my expenses have gone down, this is ample amount of income for me. I  have gone from six days of work a week to three, and now have four days off. What do I do with those four days off?

I know that time is one of the greatest gifts we have. I also know that if I don't have a plan on how to use it, I will waste this free time that I won't be getting back. I've given myself three goals for every day. A fitness goal, skill goal, and a spiritual goal. For example, 

Fitness Goals:

Improving strength and flexibility has been one of my goals!

I have also participated in online jiu Jitsu classes run by the gym I used to train at in Ontario. The classes are very well done and provide lots of solo drills for those of us who do not have training partners. I've ordered some gym mats so I'll be able to train outside where there is more room for me to move then in my tiny trailer space.

Skill Goals:

For skills, I've been working on horseback riding, nature walks, photography, and writing. 


Since Churches are closed during this time I've been watching my parish priest's youtube videos online. You can check them out at this link He has online masses as well as talks and discussions on the Japanese Martyrs. 

I also write out plans for my day on the whiteboard in my room. I highly recommend whiteboards as they are fun and easy to use!

I find that in order to be successful in achieving your goals you need to offer yourself rewards too! If I've successfully completed my goals for the day, I often reward myself with chocolate, a movie, or chilling on my bed watching youtubes at the end of the day!

How are you spending your free time? What goals do you set for yourself each day?! Stay safe and healthy everyone!