Friday, 27 March 2020

My COVID19 Adventure-so Far!

Well, as most of you know we are going through a global pandemic right now!

My life basically did a real quick turn. I laugh over how this year was actually pretty planned out and now there is hardly a plan at all! To be honest, I like this freedom of not knowing where I'll be in the next couple of months. I had looked at my year and accepted how planned out it was, but now I feel free from all those plans to go wherever Life calls!

My COVID19 experience really started last Monday, March 16th, when my barn job called to say they were shutting down due to the virus and I was going to be laid off! Then that night, my roommate explained how there was a possibility of there being a mandatory quarantine in town. I had already sent in my notice saying I was going to leave my rental. This was because in April I was supposed to dog sit for two weeks and then spend a couple weeks at my Uncle's, then go tree planting!

That Tuesday I helped with shutting down the barn, packed all my belongings, and moved some of my stuff out to the farm that I go riding at. The owner said I could pitch my tent in her yard in exchange for helping with farm chores. I also did my last jiu-jitsu class that day.

Just got a new rash guard too! Bummer

Wednesday my jiu-jitsu club officially shut down due to the pandemic. A busy day of shutting down the barn. Moved all my non-essentials to my Uncle's house.

Saddles all covered so they don't collect dust while we are gone

Thursday was my last day working at CVRTS. Cried my eyes out as it was truly a wonderful place to work. I will miss everyone and the horses terribly.

Friday assembled and moved the rest of my stuff into my tent. I spent the night at my Grandma's since my Grandpa was having heart surgery! Thankfully his surgery went really well!

Saturday left town for good! House sat for a friend in Merville.

Monday this week, I went to the greenhouse where I work. I asked to be laid off but they wouldn't lay me off and haven't given me more than one day of work a week so I'm in a little financial pickle. Also, I had to make a hard decision about whether to stay on the Island or move back home. In the end, I decided to stay on the Island because it is closer to where I will start tree planting and I save money by being here. Plus  I do have a lot of family and friends who are super supportive on the Island!

Wednesday made the daring trip into town to buy groceries, checked in on my grandparents.

Thursday I packed up my tent and moved into a friend's trailer in Merville. They offered it as a place for me to stay for now. As much as I enjoyed my tent, I am happy to have a dry and warm place to stay as the weather is beginning to get rainy again. Also, it sounds like I'll be out tree planting for a while once the season starts up so its best to save my tent for then.

In conclusion, I'm kind of sad to lose the two most grounding things in my life, jiu-jitsu, and church. I'm nervous about whether my tree planting season will happen, or not, and when I'll get to see my family again,

However, I am grateful to be living isolated in the country on a beautiful Island with decent weather and temperatures for this time of year. I still have horses and this break from my busy life is probably something that I really need!

Goals for this isolating time are to work really hard at polishing up my novels, keep fit through online jiu-jitsu and fitness classes, and work on future project plans. I am praying you are all doing well during this tough time, and I'll sure be doing more blog posts because, lol, I have a lot more time!

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Celebrating my Sisters!

Happy International Women's Day!

This day means a lot to me in so many ways. I am thankful to the women who came before me and fought for the rights I have now. I am thankful for all the women in my life that have mentored, inspired, and supported me over the years. Last, but not least, I am so thankful to all the women my age I have met that are so inspirational and supportive.

Some of the incredible ladies I reunited with at the Passion to Purpose Bootcamp this weekend (More on the experience to come) 

This International Women's Day I have chosen to celebrate my sisters. They are the reason that I give one hundred percent in everything I do, and why I strive to be a good example. They all have so much potential, I am proud of each and every one of them, and I am so excited about the things they are capable of doing in the future!

Nancy Secker

My beautiful sister Nancy is nineteen and has a truly unique energy to her. She has a fierce spirit and nothing can get in her way if she puts her mind to it. She currently studies psychology at Carleton University, is our family photographer (Thanks for the pics Nancy), and a barista at Starbucks! What I love the most about Nancy is her empathy, genuine care for other people, and her desire to make a difference. 

Hannah Secker: 

Hannah is seventeen and in grade eleven. We have this unique bound having worked together with horses several times. Hannah is an academic, excelling in Math and Science. However, she has a greater passion for theater, the arts, and plans to pursue them in the future. Her ability to adapt to her surroundings, socialize with others, and learn new skills has me positive that she will go far. I hope to personally recruit her for some of my projects when she is done school because I can trust her and she follows my directions well. She has so much character and it makes her a joy to be around. 

Emma Secker

Emma is fourteen years old and in grade nine. As a small child, I used to call Emma my "Sweet Angel" and that nickname still applies. Emma has an infectious personality, a drive to push herself, and some incredible talents. She is musical, incredible with children, and hard working. Her future plans include music and she would love to travel to London England someday. If she continues to work hard, I know she will go far! 

Lucy Secker

Lucy is ten years old and has the sweetest soul. Every time I come home she gives me the biggest hug ever and is always eager to hear my stories. Lucy loves to dance and she puts her whole soul into it. She is crafty, witty, and smart. I'm looking forward to seeing how her talents progress in the coming years. 

Julianna Secker

Julianna is seven years old and the cutest little button (And she wants you to know that her favorite color is purple)! She always makes me laugh! Julianna has a love for art, often seen sketching images of horses and unicorns (a girl after my own heart)! She also wants to go with me to Africa someday. Clearly has an adventurous spirit! I've sadly missed out on a lot of Julianna's childhood since she was born pretty late in my life but thankfully with technology, I still get to watch her grow and progress.

A big shout out to my Mother and Grandmother who I believe have inspired all my sisters and I to push hard and be our best selves. These two women have taken on incredible challenges and rose above them. We are so blessed to have them in our lives. 

I'll be honest, Frozen 2 kind of inspired this post as it made me think of my sisters very much and what they mean to me! I am so blessed to have them all in my life! Who are you thinking of this International Women's Day? What women in your life inspire you?