Thursday, 20 June 2019

Welcome to Tent City!

Welcome to tent city!

You'll love your stay! Dig a moat around your tent or it might float away!

My beautiful new tent!
As much as tree planting centers around the obvious, planting trees, probably the most memorable parts of the experience will be at tent city.

At around 5:20am tired souls creep out of their tents, trying to imagine what our fantastic cooks have made them for breakfast!

The mess tent lit up at night
During the day tent city is a ghost town, but at around 6pm we all come dashing back into the mess tent to stuff ourselves again. Chatter about the day happens, one re-connects with friends, chess is played, or cards. Some dash to the hot showers, others figure why bother!

Playing chess in the shower trailer as it was the warmest spot on that rainy day

Crew dogs!

We have too much fun unloading garbage at the end of the day!

Nights off are loads of fun! Drinking, dancing, crafting, chilling at the bonfire, or watching movies! When one is tree planting, its really important to have some fun!

Tree planting is unique as it is individual work, but you are also very much a part of the team! I am so thankful for my crew and all the people who make up tent city!

Friday, 7 June 2019

Tree Planting Vacation

One month of tree planting down and we finished our first contract!

I haven't calculated how many trees I planted altogether yet, but so far I have been averaging about 2000 trees per day which has been great!

Our next set of trees are summer trees so we had a five day break which we spent in Jasper Alberta!

The rockies are so beautiful! I was born in Western Canada surounded by the mountains. Being back in them again brought back memories I had forgotten! It was a rather surreal experience going back in the past like that.

As for tree planting, it is definitly hard, and sometimes very borring work. I've started to lose track of days and have began to care less about what I look like or things that happen. Life now is just rolling with the punches. Its great in a way, as I really begin to live in the moment!

One month down, two more to go! Super pumped for the upcoming adventures!