Four hours of sleep, running around all day, and broken wet boots......I could not drag my butt down to Toronto to meet my Mom and go home for the weekend!
I literally snapped mentally! I could not pull myself one more step unless my life was in danger, and so I laid in bed and cried about how I missed my last chance to go home before school ends!
So today, I decided to spend my free day paying attention to me! My needs, doing things I wanted to do, trying not to think about home too much, and focusing on what I'm grateful for! Indeed, I have a lot to be grateful for! I have a roof over my head, I'm warm, I have a decent supply of food, I have books to read, art supplies, I'm in good health, and fit....the list goes on!
This semester has been pretty tough! The course material is not difficult, it is more or less the lack of time spread between work, co-op, jiu jitsu, and school that makes me feel stretched to my limits! I've tried to figure out how I could drop one, but I really can't! If I don't work, I don't eat; If I drop co-op I fail school: If I drop out of school I lose my investment, and jiu jitsu is my favourite part of the day so no point in dropping that!
Today, I have none of these though! I have chosen to ignore school related tasks, or any task for that matter and do I what I want! Which is pretty simple actually! Catch up on sleep, read, sketch, and most importantly write! I've missed creative writing tremendously since this semester started! Living on my own, and running from activity to activity, I have found that a lot of what I want to say or sort out I've had to keep within myself. Today, I could explore the issues and questions in my mind through writing, which has been extremely therapeutic!
As far as news goes, I've been doing my placement at the Toronto Zoo in the Eurasia zone! Its been an incredible experience so far! Some of the animals I've got to work with include camels, wild horses, mountain goats, an African crane, and Amur tigers (Siberians). I feel extremely blessed for this unique experience!
Jiu jitsu has been loads of learning and fun! Its great to have a fitness activity that is so engaging and exciting! I've also been taking some wrestling, and learning some judo to improve my stand up game.

My Nomad spirit has kicked in again, so I accepted a tree planting job up in northern B.C and Alberta with summit tree planting. Tree planting is known as one of the toughest jobs on the planet, so it will not be an easy experience by far, but its short term (3months) and I can make a lot of money doing it if I work hard! Its sad in a way as I'll have to say goodbye to jiu jitsu for a few months, and Denver, but my soul is getting restless staying one area for this long, and I want to go out and have another adventure!
Plus, I kind of want to go back to Uganda and check in on the sponsored students, and catch up with my friends there! This could be another one of those exciting years!!!