Sunday, 25 June 2017

Half Way!

I'm half way done my time at this job! Wow! I honestly feel like I just got started! Five more months to go! 

At this half way point, I feel like I have already learned so much! I thought raising kids was pretty simple! I mean, I spent a lot of time helping take care for my siblings as I was growing up. It wasn't easy, but nothing I couldn't handle....well, I've realised that its not as simple as I thought! Raising kids can be really frustrating at times!
A sword fight is happening, no matter how tired you are!
It is also super rewarding though! I feel so privileged to be a part of these boy's lives, and their integration into Canadian culture! 

Home made Popsicles

Best three year old cookie baker!
 Volunteering at the Toronto Wildlife Centre is also going very well! During my shift in the nursery, there are four other women who I work with, and they are awesome! We are a very good team! We got told by our supervisor that we are one of the best teams she has ever had to work with! I look forward to every Saturday morning! It is so much fun! 

(Note: Taking pictures of the patients at TWC is not allowed, that is why there are no pics! Sorry!)

My Rouge shift is also going very well! All the baby raccoons, and skunks are starting to take over! Oh! And all those squirrels I spent the spring syringe feeding! I can't say enough about how incredibly awesome being a part of the rehabilitation process is!

Taking a little selfie break outside of some rouge park enclosures. 

 I also started taking Jiu Jitsu classes about three weeks ago! Honestly, I love it! Jiu Jitsu is really my thing, and (I think) I'm pretty good at it! I felt, since I do a lot of solo travelling, that having some self defence knowledge was in my best interest. I strongly encourage women who can, to take classes like this! They really boost self confidence! (Plus are really fun!)

I didn't think I would get to see the glory of nature in Toronto, but I was wrong! Here are some cool pics of nature I've captured over the last few months!

Rouge park



The bluffs

Lake Ontario

Road side

We have also had lots of storms lately! Including a Tornado warning!

I did go through a rough period for a while here, where I really wanted to quit! This job was harder then I thought it was going to be, and I really hated the city! Now though, I'm actually starting to really enjoy myself! 

Of course, if I had to choose between living in the country or the city my entire life I would choose the country. However (since I'm here) I may as well really take hold of all the benefits living in the city has to offer! Since adopting this perspective, I have grown to enjoy life here a lot more! I think it is helping that the language barrier is slipping away, and the boys are starting to respect me more as well; But I think my perspective changing has also helped me enjoy myself a lot more! 

And Jiu Jitsu! I'm kind of sad I only have five months left now! I wish I could just teleport the classes wherever I go!

Family came down two weeks ago for the weekend! Was great to see them!
Anyhow, sorry for the rather long post, and sorry I have a bit of a gap between posts as well! My life has just been really hard to keep together lately! Here is a phrase of thought to end on....

Found it on a trail!

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

OMG! I finally understand my Parents!

As I sit outside under a lilac tree, with a cold glass of pomegranate juice, with no little children running around..... I am beginning to understand why my parents sometimes wanted a break from us kids!

Actually, now I understand so much more about them that I never did before!

For example, I never understood why Mom sent us all to our rooms when she got super mad! Now I do! Sometimes you just need the little ones out of your sight, so you can breath!

I also could never understand why she was, so happy when the house was clean! After making the house spotless this week, I actually felt immense joy! It was just so satisfying! I never liked house cleaning before, but honestly, its starting to become some what therapeutic!

And then I always thought my mom was going insane! I have recently learned that this basically comes with being a parent! I mean how are you supposed to keep yourself fully together, when you are trying to keep the lives of several little children, your house, responsibilities, and your finances together?! Its pretty normally to go slightly insane! (And I'm only getting a taste of parent hood right now!)

Honestly, I have so much respect for both my parents! This job has been very eye opening for me. I realise now that my parents are human. I always thought as a child (for some reason) that their only calling in life was to look after me. I never understood that they could have dreams, feel hurt, feel defeated, feel like they weren't good enough. Now that I understand that my parents probably felt like this, I have so much gratitude for them sticking it out, and putting effort into providing a good life for my siblings and I.

So to all the parents out there who feel defeated, feel like their children will never understand the struggle they are going through to raise them, have no fear! I finally understand my parents, and I'm sure someday your kids will feel indebted to you as well!

And some exciting news! (Speaking of my parents) My mother got accepted to university! I am honestly so proud and excited for her! This is something I can tell she has wanted to do her whole life, and I'm glad that she has finally got the opportunity to do it! So, starting September, guess who is going to be only a short bus ride away from me?

I wonder if her choice of university was intentional?!